Here are our pictures from Tokyo.
Senso-Ji Temple & Deb with incense
Incense Pit at Senso-Ji Temple
Purification at the Senso-Ji Temple
Golden Turd (really, that is what it's called)
Toilet mechanism Can you figure it out?
Guard House at the Imperial Palace
Site of something old at Imperial Palace. Deb doesn't remember what it is.
2nd view of the Roof. It was a LONG day.
View of Tokyo Tower from Tokyo Bay
View of Shoreline from Tokyo Bay
Statue of Liberty at Tokyo Bay. She is facing the wrong direction.
Statue of Liberty At Tokyo Bay
Side view of the Statue of Liberty at Tokyo Bay
Japanese version of the Arche de Triomphe
Large Ferris wheel at Tokyo Bay
View from the Fuji Building of Tokyo
Another view of Tokyo from the Fuji Building
Statue of Liberty at Tokyo Bay
Sculpture by the Edo-Tokyo Museum
Oscar and Deb at Tokyo Bay on Valentines Day
Another Oscar and Deb at Tokyo Bay on Valentines Day
3rd picture of Osccar and Deb at Tokyo Bay..... I'm in trouble for not deleting this!!!!
Steps leading to the Fuji Building
Another view of the steps leading to the Fuji Building
Another picture of the trained monkey He did tricks on stilts
1st Shrine at Yanaka Have to visit seven shrines for good luck.
Deb at the 2nd Shrine at Yanaka
Top of the 3rd shrine This is supposed to bring good luck??
3rd Shrine at Yanaka More luck!
Seven ronan at 4th shrine at Yanaka You can tell from the picture, but the bibs and hats were in BAD shape. They need them for some reason.
Cemetry at fifth shrine All shrines have them.
Pottery Store I quit taking pictures of the shrines for a while.
The SEVENTH Shrine WhooHoo good luck for the next year!
Restaurant where the chicken parts were dipped in raw egg
Roppongi at night We stayed in Roppongi.
Roppongi at night This is the party area of Tokyo.
Tokyo Tower at night. Japan's version of the Eiffel Tower